A large and diverse range of social service agencies routinely need to verify employment and salary history for purposes such as determining eligibility for food stamps, Medicaid,or welfare-to-work programs. This can involve multiple phone calls to employers to gather the needed information,unless the employer is a member of EmployCheck.
EmployCheck provides rapid and secure employment verification and salary history either by fax or mail. Either way, confidentiality is very carefully protected, and you quickly receive reliable information that you need.
How it works
EmployCheck routinely receives employment and salary information from a large and growing number of employers. This information is in electronic format, so it can be easily accessed when needed, and is delivered either by fax or mail.
The data provided include:
There is no charge to social services agencies for providing this information; however, you must be registered with the EmployCheck.
To register, either email or fax your request along with the information needed for registration. Emailed requests should include a PDF of your agency's letterhead sent to EmployCheckVerifications@precheck.com Faxed request should be sent on your agency's letterhead to 888-705-4605.
Information needed for registration: company name, address, phone number, fax number, primary contact's name (first & last) and title. If registration is being requested for Section 8/Tax Credit property, please provide your LIHTC/HUD ID Number or other proof of status.
For employment/income verification, either send a secure email with your request to EmployCheckVerifications@precheck.com or fax to 888-705-4605. The request should include the employee's name, complete SSN, and name of employer.